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What Is Natural Cellular Defense?

Title: What Is Natural Cellular Defense?
Author: Zachary Thompson
What is Natural Cellular Defense? This is a nutrition
supplement to help your body rid itself of toxins. It works
especially well for heavy metals. It also helps in the fight
against cancer. Its main active ingredient is Zeolite, which is
a compound of volcanic ash and sea salt.
What are antitoxins? Toxins are poisons that enter the body
from several sources. Foods, water, and air being the main ones.
The liver also produces them when it breaks down our food these
are called free agents. Due to environmental problems and the
way food is produced our body is on overload and cannot get rid
of toxins like it should. Antitoxins are substances that are
found in foods and can help the body get rid of these harmful
toxins. Antitoxins can also be taken in the form of nutritional
What do we mean by cleansing: cleansing are methods that we can
use to completely clean the toxins from our bodies.
Detoxification diets, baths and colon cleansing can achieve
cleansing of the body. It is especially good in helping your
digestive tract to function better and prevent cancer.
How does Natural Cellular Defense work? One of the main
ingredients of Natural Cellular Defense is zeolite. This is a
precious mineral with a honeycombed structure. This structure
has negative forces and draws heavy metal toxins to it. These
heavy metals include lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. When
the body excretes the zeolite, the toxins also get eliminated.
This greatly helps your body's own immune system and also helps
to precent neurological problems, including Alzheimer's disease,
dementia and autism.
Natural Cellular Defense also helps with the fight against
diseases. It will help your body produce more tumor suppressor
cells. This will kill diseased and mutant cells. Again this will
improve your body's immune system. It will also help to block
viruses from reproducing. Studies are being done to see whether
this function of Natural Cellular Defense will help with
diseases such as the common cold, hepatitis C, multiple
sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Natural Cellular Defense also helps to maintain the PH balance
in our blood. This should be between 7.35 and 7.45. The proper
PH allows the immune system and brain to function at optimum
levels. It also helps us to absorb more nutrients from the foods
that we eat. This in turn will allow us to maintain our health
and fight off diseases. Natural Cellular Defense will contribute
to preventing allergies. This is because it will capture
antigens that cause asthma, migraines and allergies.
Natural Cellular Defense will also capture and destroy harmful
nitrosamines. These cancer-causing substances are derived from
meat and can be found in the digestive tract. Studies are being
conducted with terminally ill cancer patients to see how Natural
Cellular Defense does this.
This is being hailed as a breakthrough nutritional supplement
and is available at a company called Waiora. They specialize in
antitoxins and anti aging products. These products are all
natural so do not produce side effects.

About The Author: Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients
Representative. His clients range from actresses to pro
athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by

Are You Getting Frequent Hiccups? Acid Reflux

Article Title: Are You Getting Frequent Hiccups? Acid Reflux
May Be Why
Author: Kathryn Whittaker

If you are experiencing hiccups, acid reflux could be a
contributory factor and you may need to find a remedy to find
relief from this non-serious, yet distressing symptom.
Hiccups, also called hiccoughs, result when the diaphragm
suddenly contracts. The diaphragm is the thin muscle located
under the heart and lungs that separates the chest from the
abdomen and assists with inhaling. After the diaphragm
contracts, the top portion of the windpipe known as the glottis,
immediately closes which creates the characteristic "hic" sound
of hiccups.
A hiccup is a reflex you have no control over and can be hard
to stop. That being said, the interesting fact about hiccups is
that unlike other reflexes (I.E. sneezing, coughing, etc.), a
hiccup does not appear to have a useful purpose.
What is the hiccups acid reflux connection? Most people have a
case of the hiccups every once in a while, and in many of these
instances, the spell of hiccups is brief, and there is no
apparent reason why it was experienced. However, if hiccups are
related to acid reflux, it is not uncommon for hiccups to be
persistent and last for hours, this could be because of:
- Temporary swollen stomach - This could be caused by eating
too quickly, overeating, drinking carbonated beverages,
swallowing air.
- Alcohol - This is more common with fizzy alcohol drinks such
as beer, sparkling wine, and mixed drinks. Too much air may also
be swallowed while drinking alcohol.
- Excessive smoking - taking in too much air
- Emotional stress - when stressed many people tend to overeat,
eat too fast, drink alcohol, smoke excessively, and are more
prone to gulping air.
How can you treat hiccups? In many cases, there is no need for
treatment because hiccups will typically disappear as quickly as
they occurred. However, the following are some remedies you can
try to treat mild hiccups:
- Drink a full glass of water
- Sip ice water
- Suck on an ice cube
- Hold your breath for 30 seconds
- Breath rapidly
- Breath into a paper bag
- Pull your knees into your chest
- Gasping from sudden fright
- Distract your mind from thinking about the hiccups
The above hiccup remedies will usually only work with short
bouts of hiccups, and will not cure persistent hiccups that last
for longer than 24 hours, or hiccups that recur frequently
throughout the day. If you have persistent hiccups, they could
be the cause of acid reflux, in which case you should be
experiencing other acid reflux symptoms aside from the hiccups
including heartburn, belching, regurgitation, coughing, etc.
Therefore, try the following to remedy your acid reflux hiccups:

- Avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated beverages
- Stop smoking
- Eat and drink slowly. You should also eat small portions of
food to prevent overeating.
- Reduce stress. Find ways to relax or release bottled up
energy through exercise, meditation, or taking part in
activities you enjoy.
If you try the above remedies and they do not work, you should
see your doctor to discover what the underlying cause of your
hiccups are. You may discover that your hiccups and acid reflux
are not related. The reason is because there are more than 100
conditions that can cause hiccups. Usually when the underlying
cause is identified, persistent hiccups can be cured.

Natural Relief For Oak Pollen Allergies

Anyone who lives in an area with a high number of oak trees
is all too familiar with the huge amounts of pollen that
these trees produce and the oak pollen allergy symptoms
that result.  Looking almost like fuzzy little worms, the
pollen pods release the oak pollen into the air to be
carried by the wind, and the pods drop to the ground to
pile up and make a mess on the ground.

During the oak pollen season, the effects of the pollen are
everywhere, with cars and windows covered with the
orange-brown film the pollen creates.  Even pavement where
the spent pollen pods accumulate will get stained brown.
For those allergic to oak pollen, the symptoms can be
severe.  Massive sinus drainage, watery eyes, sneezing,
and/or coughing will develop that can defy almost any
allergy treatment available, at least until the oak pollen

Oak allergies drive people to try any number of remedies,
with some even turning to drastic measures like steroid
injections.  Some will decide to handle the situation once
and for all by starting allergy shots, even though the
needles are less than pleasant, without realizing that it
often takes years to finally get results.

Many oak allergy sufferers will seek out natural relief
from treatments like nutritional supplements, herbal
remedies, homeopathy and/or acupuncture, and all of these
forms of treatment will provide some degree of temporary
relief for the majority of people.  But what if there was a
way to do more than just suppress allergy symptoms?

What if there was a way to actually get rid of oak
allergies and other allergies long-term as with doing
allergy shots, but in a way that gets results in days, not
years, and doesn't require one to get jabbed with needles?
Well, there actually is a way to do this, using "energy
medicine" techniques.

The most widely-practiced of these natural allergy relief
methods is NAET, which stands for Nambudripad's Allergy
Elimination Technique.  Dr. Devi Nambudripad is a
chiropractor and acupuncturist from California who
accidentally discovered how stimulating specific
acupuncture meridians while being exposed to the allergens
one reacts to can reset the body so that it no longer
reacts to those allergens.

Since the development of NAET in the 1980's, other similar
techniques have been developed, and there are more
streamlined allergy elimination methods now in use, but
NAET remains the most widely practiced.  To be sure, all of
the energy based allergy elimination methods are a bit
strange, and may seem a bit too good to be true, but in 8
years of practicing ASERT (Allergy and Sensitivity
Elimination and Reprogramming Technique, one of the newer,
more streamlined techniques based on the principles of
NAET), I have seen great success with even the most chronic
of allergy sufferers.

Because these techniques are so strange and because I
practice in San Antonio, an area where a high percentage of
the population is still extremely skeptical of alternative
medicine, I do the allergy desensitization on people and
let them experience the results before they pay me.  I
actually work on the "honor system" - I don't collect any
money or payment information at all and let people try out
the allergy elimination technique and then they pay me when
they are satisfied that it worked for them.  The vast
majority send me checks or call me with a credit card
number, which I thik is a dramatic testament to the
effectiveness of this technique.

The great part about these techniques is that the results
occur quickly.  For seasonal problems like oak allergies,
people may have severe symptoms for a month or two, and are
looking for some type of natural allergy relief right away,
not something that will take years to be effective like
allergy shots, and not something that can have serious
side-effects like steroids.  With energy-based allergy
elimination, relief usually occurs within a day and comes
without the risk of any serious side-effects.

Better yet, the effects of energy-based allergy elimination
last for several months to several years because these
techniques actually get rid of the allergies, not just
suppress allergy symptoms and inflammation.  So, oak
allergy sufferers can usually go through multiple oak
seasons without any problems without ongoing treatment
after going through the allergy desensitization.

Although NAET practitioners often claim that the effects of
NAET are permanent, which they may be in some cases, it has
been my experience that allergies can re-develop,
particularly after somone is sick with a cold or flu, or
suffers a major trauma during a high pollen season.  It
appears that the body may develop allergies in a "guilt by
association" manner in which an activation of the body's
immune system and inflammatory response from something
other than pollen may become associated with the presence
of a given allergen, thus triggering a reaction to the
allergen.  In other words, if you catch the flu during a
time when oak pollen is high, it is not unusual to develop
oak allergies.

In any case, energy-based allergy desensitization is very
much for real, and it offers fast, effective natural
allergy relief for oak pollen allergies, as well as any
other type of allergy (including airborne allergens, foods,
and skin-contact allergies).

About the Author:

Dr. George Best has been doing natural allergy elimination
in the San Antonio area for 8 years.  For more information
on oak allergies or natural allergy relief, visit .